Pesticide Continuing Education
Free Pesticide Continuing Education Credits Offered at Show
Farmers, landscapers and other holders of a NC Department of Agriculture pesticide application license will have the opportunity to gain two hours of continuing education credits at this year's show. These sessions will take place Wednesday morning in the Holshouser Building.There is no charge or pre-registration for these sessions. License holders should bring their pesticide license card or number to register on-site.
The Importance of Nozzle Selection in Agricultural Spray Application: Why Are There So Many Options?

Wednesday, February 5
Holshouser Building
Presented by Clay deGruy, Greenleaf Technologies
This course has been approved for one hour of the following credits by the Pesticide Division of the NC Department of Agriculture: N O D X
This presentation will focus on nozzle selection based on application requirements and best practices. There are many different styles and sizes of nozzles to choose from, and attendees will learn the reasons and uses for each. We will also cover new methods and technologies in agricultural spraying, and the ideal application uses for these innovations. Seminar attendees will become familiar with nozzle application selection guides to best help applicators choose the size and style of nozzle that best serves each individual application.
Clay deGruy, with Greenleaf Technologies, was born in Mandeville, Louisiana. He attended LSU and graduated from the College of Agriculture with a degree in AgriBusiness. In 2017 Clay started his career with Greenleaf Technologies, which is considered a leader in the world of high-tech agricultural spray nozzles. Clay has hands-on experience working with growers, custom applicators, and golf course superintendents, as well as with chemical companies, universities, weed scientists and the EPA.
The Juncture of Turfgrass Management and Pest Management

Wednesday, February 5
Holshouser Building
Presented by Grady Miller PhD, NC State University
This course has been approved for one hour of the following credits by the Pesticide Division of the NC Department of Agriculture: L N D X
Turfgrasses are more than recreational spaces for sports or aesthetic spaces at homes and communities; they also serve many functional purposes. And while people enjoy turfgrass areas, so do many pests. This program will provide an overview of some of the BMPs for NC turfgrasses, including turfgrass selection and primary management aspects, before getting into control of some of the common turfgrass pests---insects, diseases, and weeds. This presentation will also introduce to the attendees resources they can use for further investigations.
Seminar attendees will:
1. Become familiar with the Best Management Practices of NC turfgrasses, both cool- and warm-season species. These concepts can be applied to any turfgrass area.
2. Be presented with turfgrass management and pest management options. There will be options presented for cultural management along with the more commonly used pesticides for managing weeds, insects, and diseases in turfgrasses.
3. Learn about the availability of NC State resources related to turfgrass care. (electronic resources).
Grady Miller, PhD, ENVU Distinguished Professor of Sustainability and extension Specialist, at North Carolina State University. During his career, he has taught 72 University course sections and has authored over 750 publications related to turfgrass management. His research activities relate primarily to turfgrass nutrition and water issues, cultivar evaluation, turfgrass colorants, and evaluation of athletic fields. In his extension duties, he works closely with the sod, sports turf, utility turf, and golf course industry to address issues and find solutions to common turf problems. He has been installed in the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension Outreach at NC State University and Fellow in the Agronomy Society of America.