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Stand Up and be Recognized

OCTOBER 28, 2014
Would you want to interrupt these guys?
Being approachable is a key ingredient to success at shows. That involves how you’re dressed, not being distracted by your cell phone or other staff members, and especially your body language.

One key factor on your ‘approachable’ list is to be standing. Why? Because you’re on eye-level with show guests as they walk by. And, since most people are nice, if they see you comfortably sitting in a chair, they don’t want to disturb you.

I know – the thought of standing for hours in an exhibit is not a pleasant one. And – at a certain point your unpleasant demeanor caused by aching feet will be worse than the disadvantage of sitting down. So here are some tips:
1. If your exhibit has carpet, put carpet padding under it.
2. Spend some money on comfortable and supportive shoes – tips at this link: SHOES
3. If you absolutely must sit down, get a high stool or director’s chair. You’re still on eye-level, and it’s a lot easier to get off a stool than out of a chair.

David J Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.
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