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Do U QR?
OCTOBER 18, 2011

Try a QR code at your next show.
Most of us have seen, but probably not used, the QR codes that are popping up everywhere. These square barcodes are designed to be read by smart phones like Blackberry, Droid, and iPhone. Once they scan the code, these devices immediately take the user to a website with more information. For instance, I recently scanned a code on a plant tag at my local nursery, and was taken to a site with details on how, when and where to plant the shrub I was considering.
These codes are showing up at trade shows, but I’ve not seen many – yet – at consumer shows. So at your next show, try working one or more into your display. You can even, as the photo here shows, work them onto your sales staff. For those of you with a QR reader, you can discover this on-cheek code takes you to the bakery that was exhibiting at this show.
Will many people actually scan the code in your exhibit? Probably not. Will they see the code and think that you’re high-tech, forward-thinking, and in-tune with the under 30 (or 40? or 50?) crowd? Absolutely.
David J. Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.
Topical: Exhibit Design Selling