Exhibitor Kit and Order Forms

2020 Culinary and Create Stage Request
Get more visibility with a Cooking Stage demonstration!
Get more visibility with a Cooking Stage demonstration!

2020 Fashion Stage Request Form
Get more visibility for your fashion and/or accessories with a Fashion Show!
Get more visibility for your fashion and/or accessories with a Fashion Show!

2020 Exhibitor Insurance Option
For exhibitors who do not have insurance through their carrier, Rain Protection offers exhibitor insurance at reasonable rates. Click the link above for details, and to purchase on-line. Purchase of insurance through Rain Protection is transacted outside of your contract with Southern Shows Inc. Southern Shows Inc. has no financial or other interest in Rain Protection.
For exhibitors who do not have insurance through their carrier, Rain Protection offers exhibitor insurance at reasonable rates. Click the link above for details, and to purchase on-line. Purchase of insurance through Rain Protection is transacted outside of your contract with Southern Shows Inc. Southern Shows Inc. has no financial or other interest in Rain Protection.

2019 Decor Order Forms
If you want to rent decor for your exhibit, complete & return the decor order forms to Hicks Convention Services.
***Order decor by October 1 to get advance rates.***
If you want to rent decor for your exhibit, complete & return the decor order forms to Hicks Convention Services.
***Order decor by October 1 to get advance rates.***

2019 Pre-order Lunch form from Savor Catering
If you would like to pre-order lunches from the onsite caterer in Jacksonville, please fill out this form.
If you would like to pre-order lunches from the onsite caterer in Jacksonville, please fill out this form.

Insurance Requirements
Exhibitors are required to provide an insurance certificate covering liability for exhibit contents,personnel and show guests within the exhibitor’s assigned space. The certificate should list Southern Shows Inc. as an additional insured. The insurance limits on the certificate should be a minimum of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.
Exhibitors are required to provide an insurance certificate covering liability for exhibit contents,personnel and show guests within the exhibitor’s assigned space. The certificate should list Southern Shows Inc. as an additional insured. The insurance limits on the certificate should be a minimum of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.

Electrical Order Form
If you want to order electrical service for your exhibit, complete & return the electrical order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.
If you want to order electrical service for your exhibit, complete & return the electrical order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.

Parking Pass Order Form
If you want to order parking passes, complete & return the parking pass order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.
If you want to order parking passes, complete & return the parking pass order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.

Telecommunications Order Form
If you want to order telephone or internet service for your exhibit, complete & return this order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center. ***Please note that WIFI is complimentary at this show.***
If you want to order telephone or internet service for your exhibit, complete & return this order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center. ***Please note that WIFI is complimentary at this show.***

Water and Air Order Form
If you want to order water and/or drain service for your exhibit, complete & return this order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.
If you want to order water and/or drain service for your exhibit, complete & return this order form to the Prime Osborn Convention Center.

2020 Exhibitor Kit
This document contains general information, a floor plan, official hotel information, rules and regulations, tips to help you maximize your participation in the show, forms to request stage time, and a ticket order form.
This document contains general information, a floor plan, official hotel information, rules and regulations, tips to help you maximize your participation in the show, forms to request stage time, and a ticket order form.