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Story Time

JUNE 11, 2013

Brenda Harris Tustian is a very talented artist.  She also knows the world is full of talented artists, so for many years she has differentiated herself by telling stories about her art.  Each painting has a reason for being, and she tells potential customers what inspired the work, what each painting depicts, and what it means to her.

Sales gurus like best-selling author Michael Bosworth have only recently discovered what Brenda has known for many years.  Stories sell.  So what’s your story?  How did your product or service change someone’s life, or at least their journey through it?   What about the customer who came back to buy more of what you have, and told you why?

Gather your stories, and make sure the people working with you know them as well.

David J Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.

Topical: Selling  
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