Social Marketing

Any good public show will have a social media presence. Southern Shows Inc. uses a long list of ‘platforms’ with the most effective being facebook. If you’re also marketing through social media, be sure to use the shows you’re exhibiting in to extend your reach.
Use your established social media to let your contacts know you’ll be at the show. Post a show-related message about your company to the show’s facebook site. Give away a nice item to show guests who ‘like’ your company during the show. Send a tweet about something neat you see at the show, even if it’s not your product. The ideas are endless, but the key is to take advantage of the social media buzz the show is creating.
Speaking of free promotion, if you’re currently signed up for a Southern Shows Inc. event, and have not created your custom web page that’s tied to your company listing (see example - Antoinette's Bath House), go ahead and do it. It’s free and easy, and a great additional web presence for your company.
David J Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.