Sell Them the Package

I’m assuming chicken coops have been around since about the time someone first caught a chicken. They are not exactly something new. So when we got a call from someone who wanted to sell them at a show, I was a bit skeptical about how they would do.
Once the show opened, I realized my doubts were wrong. That’s because not only did this exhibitor have a new concept for a chicken coop (you can roll it around your yard, fertilizing as you go), but he also realized something very important. Of the thousands of show guests who thought it would be wonderful to have chickens and fresh eggs, 95% of them knew nothing about chickens.
His answer was to sell a chicken starter kit (complete with hens, chicks, feed, and instructions) that would be delivered with the coop. He sold a bunch. Of course, it didn’t hurt that the display also included a lot of very cute fluffy chicks.
So the question is: What else can you add to your current product that will make it easier for your potential customer to buy?
David J Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.