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Who is Working for What?
AUGUST 23, 2011

Don't send your staff to work the exhibit. Send your exhibit to work for your staff.
Re-reading the last post, I see that I used a phrase we all use. I implored you to send the right people to "work the exhibit." And I was wrong. Not about sending the right people – that’s a must. I was wrong about “working the exhibit.”
Instead of thinking in terms of working an exhibit, start thinking about the exhibit working for you. The last post pointed out that the person working the exhibit is the most important part of that exhibit. And for most of us, that person is there to sell something. So with that perspective, everything in the exhibit should be designed to help that person sell. If your exhibit includes anything that’s not helping the individual working make the sale, take it out.
David J Zimmerman
Southern Shows Inc.
Topical: Exhibit Design Selling