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At the recent Southern Spring Home & Garden Show, Bushwackers Landscaping was one of 22 landscaping companies that installed a feature garden in the Belgard Gardens at the show. Owner Chad Little knew that with so many landscapers for show guests to choose from, he needed something to help them remember him.
He did that two ways. One was to put something memorable in his garden - half a Volkswagen Beetle. The second was to quickly create postcard handouts featuring a photo of his garden, and the VW.
When show guests returned home and sorted through the items they picked up at the show, there was no doubt which card they would remember most.
David J ZImmerman
Southern Shows Inc.
I'll Be-etle Back
APRIL 15, 2014

He did that two ways. One was to put something memorable in his garden - half a Volkswagen Beetle. The second was to quickly create postcard handouts featuring a photo of his garden, and the VW.
When show guests returned home and sorted through the items they picked up at the show, there was no doubt which card they would remember most.
David J ZImmerman
Southern Shows Inc.